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New York
Girls U17 Platinum
East Meadow Emsc Psg
Loaded by SincSports

New York
Girls U19 Platinum
East Meadow Emsc Psg
Loaded by SincSports

New Jersey
Girls U15 U15 AMETHYST
East Meadow SC Npl 05 Breakers
Loaded by SincSports

New York
Girls U14 Platinum
East Meadow Breakers 05
Loaded by SincSports

Girls U13 Gold
East Meadow Santefe
Loaded by SincSports

New York

East Islip Fall Classic

Girls U12 GU12 RED
East Meadow Barcelona
Loaded by SincSports

10/09/16East Islip Eisc Academy F..
10/08/16Hauppauge Fire
10/08/16MSSC SBMC 05G