Join us for a fun day filled with competitive soccer matches!
The 5-3-1 Challenge will test the skills and ability of your players and their ability on the ball. This fast-paced, small-sided soccer competition will allow players to get a lot of touches on the ball and test their skills in tight spaces. Teams will consist of 5-8 players who will play a guaranteed three 35–45-minute matches.
5 - 3 - 1 Explained
Each match will consist of the following 3 segments:
5 - 5v5 match (each team will have 4 field players and a goalkeeper) - 15-minute match
3 - 3v3 match (3v3 fields are established on the same field as the 5v5 match) - 10-minute
1 - 1v1 matches (each team will choose 6 players to battle players from the other team, which will result in (6) 60 – 75 second 1v1 duels) In each 1v1 battle, each player will attack 3 times at the opposing teams goal and defend 3 times. Attackers will have 12 seconds to score on the opposing defender and goalkeeper. A point is only scored when a goal is made..
The score of the match will be determined by the total number of goals scored by each team (segment 1 + segment 2 + segment 3 = score for the match).
Registration is now closed.
We look forward to an amazing day of small-sided games. Thanks for joining the Los Amigos family this President's Day.